RomARS has developed a “Multi Access Gateway” capable to connect different access technologies such as WiFi, LoraWan, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Sigfox and 4G, each with its standard, not compatible with any other one, to a 5G core network, that currently represents the most advanced and flexible solution to manage complex networks of both users and equipment/devices (IoT).
RomARS solution solves and allows to easily manage heterogeneous multiple information sources.

Main characteristics:

  1. Main access technologies managed
    • 4G / 5G
    • WiFi
    • LoRa terrestrial and satellite
    • Bluetooth
    2. Single interface for configuration, provisioning and control of all terminals and devices
    3. Uniformity in the allocation of bandwidth and connection channels;
    4. Unified Platform for QoS Control and Traffic Prioritization;
    5. Possibility to process data at the sensor side (edge computing), e.g. for UHD image analysis;
    6. Centralized data aggregation for post-processing.

Possible (non-exhaustive) list of use cases:

  • Health structure with:

– personnel utilizing messaging, voice and video applications;
– machines and medical devices connected to a private large bandwidth network, protected and highly performing;
– sensors for environmental monitoring, for safety and security, for electrical power control, surveillance video cameras, etc.

  • Factory with:

– operators equipped with personal devices;
– machinery for automation;
– monitoring sensors, installed, connected wireless and thus remotely controlled thanks to a mixed coverage 4G, 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth.

  • Agricultural company that can:

– integrate environmental sensors and Ultra-HD video cameras for monitoring;
– manage automation in irrigation, in spraying pesticides, in harvesting.

  • Local municipalities and agencies with:

– personnel in charge to control environment and territory;
– sensor network, video cameras and several devices for service control.


Contact RomARS and describe your network and your business: we will provide you a first iteration design to evaluate how a centralized control of your services with a 5G Core network can improve your business.

Download the brochure.