TV Interview: “China and Satellite Telecommunications”

Last summer, our president Prof. Michele Luglio, professor of Internet via Satellite at University of Study Roma Tor Vergata, granted an interview to Netweek group in the frame of the program “Discover China” (Scoprire la Cina). He approached the main technological issues concerning satellite telecommunication systems, even referred to recent and impressive implementation of constellations with…

Third Review meeting for OpenSatRange

On January 28, 2025 the third review hashtag#meeting of the OpenSatRange project 🛰️ was held: Pierpaolo Loreti (CNIT – Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni) Andrea Detti (CNIT) Lorenzo Bracciale (CNIT) Matteo Ciccaglione (CNIT) Arianna Miraval Zanon (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) Luca Fiscariello (RomARS S.r.l.) Cesare Roseti (RomARS S.r.l.) Michele Luglio (RomARS S.r.l.) Fabio Patrone (University…

Successful CDR Meeting for the SURPRISE Project

On January 16, 2025, the CDR hashtag meeting for the SURPRISE project took place. Mattia Quadrini and Luca Fiscariello from RomARS S.r.l. participated, along with Nextworks S.r.l., the University of Studies di Modena e Reggio Emilia, and the European Space Agency – ESA (Angelo Altamura) online. The meeting was a success, and the testbed architecture,…

The challenge of the 5G-Hosts-Sat project

Satellite and terrestrial 5G communication networks can work together to safeguard against emergencies and disasters. This is the goal of the 5G-Hosts-Sat project. Satellite links expand the connectivity of terrestrial networks and provide reliable backup in case of damage to terrestrial infrastructure, ensuring that communications remain available when they are most needed. The 5G-Hosts-Sat project…

5G-EMERGE has entered its second phase!

5G-EMERGE has entered its second phase and expanded its consortium to 34 companies on November 13th. The project is co-funded by ESA ARTES and led by the EBU. the European research project aims to bring an open multi-tenant ecosystem by converging satellite services with online delivery, making use of the 3GPP 5G specification as convergence…

ARTES Final Presentation Days – INN3SCO is a success

On the 2nd October 2024 our Francesco Zampognaro has presented RomARS and the recently closed INN3SCO project during the ARTES Final Presentation Days ( The event at ESA-ECSAT in Harwell (UK) gave us the opportunity to show our work, proudly bringing on stage another great technical and organizational result of RomARS, all its partners and…


“The 5G will be the vehicle for data and services for any technological initiative, and therefore particularly for Smart Cities. Thanks to its characteristics and potential, services related to the Smart City can be much more advanced than before. The link between the Smart City concept and 5G technology will have to be very close…


Prof Francesco Zampognaro, co-founder ad CTO of Romars, on February 15th 2024 attended the workshop “Artificial Intelligence Legal & scientific implications” giving a speech titled “5G technology and beyond for enhanced applications, intelligent networks and future verticals”. Here some slides for more informations. 5G technology and beyond for enhanced applications

ISNCC 2024

Internet, smart cities, artificial intelligence, green communication systems and the metaverse are just some of the topics of the ISNCC 2024. The event will be held in Washington DC (USA) from october 22 to 25, 2024. The conference will be hosted by the University of the District of Columbia. Read more at