Objectives 5G-EMERGE is a digital transformation project, converging satellite services with online delivery, making use of the 3GPP 5G specification as convergence technology. The project envisages an open multi-tenant ecosystem that seamlessly integrates Near Edges well connected to Satellite Teleport with distributed Far Edges through a virtualised satellite connection to 5G- base stations. This solution…


Objectives The main goal of FULLVIEW-SAT is to increase the current Minor League customer base  and to open a new market for the Premier League, proving a new mode to display the football match through an immersive 360 reality experience.   Benefits The use of satellite is key in the Minor League context because it…


Objectives SHINE is focused around the design and implementation of an end-to-end secure infrastructure for the delivery of multimedia content over integrated satellite-terrestrial networks. The overall security architecture of the SHINE project is comprised of two main building blocks: A satellite-enabled broadcast distribution backbone leveraging network; A MPEG-DASH/WebRTC-enabled edge distribution network. In-between such building blocks…


Objectives The project developed a service platform based on the utilisation of the KA-SAT satellite for the live video feed of non-mainstream sport events, associated to a terrestrial based IP live video distribution.   Features “Lega Pro” and Sportube are the users targeted in this project: Lega Pro is the owner of the Italian Serie…